
We want to help you serve others.

We want to help you find a place to volunteer!

We don't have to look very far to see examples of Jesus serving us. He healed people, cared for the outcasts, and washed his disciples' feet. As we pursue Jesus, we naturally come to a point of wanting to serve others. We want to help you do that!

Simply fill out the form below and we will help you find the best place for you to volunteer.

Volunteer Roles

Kids – Check-in Host 

Check-In Hosts are a key piece of our Kids ministry. They welcome families as they check in, direct guests to the right place, and help create a secure environment for our kids.

Kids – Early Childhood 

Early Childhood volunteers oversee and care for infants and toddlers. This includes holding babies, playing with toddlers, helping with simple lessons and activities, serving snacks, and changing diapers.

Kids – PreK - Elementary

Kids Leaders and helpers participate and guide an age group in our kids programming on Sunday mornings. They lead their group in activities and a small group class by teaching the memory verse and discussing the lesson.

Students – Wednesday Evening 

Student volunteers mentor and join with middle and high school students in our weekly programming on Wednesday evenings throughout the school year. They help in activities, sit with students during our teaching, and lead a small group of students for discussion of the evening’s message. This is a weekly commitment for the duration of the school year.

Students – Sunday Morning

Sunday morning Student Ministry volunteers greet middle school students as they arrive, check in the students, hand out snacks, and are a welcoming adult presence in the Student Center. This role can be as often as desired.

First Impressions Team – Greeter 

We want everyone to feel welcome as they follow Jesus here. That begins with people, warm greetings, and genuine smiles. Greeters help show everyone they are welcome on Sundays and can help guide people to the right place.

First Impressions Team – Usher 

Ushers welcome people as they enter our Chapel and Worship Center and help guests find open seats as needed. After the service ends, they ensure the worship space is clean and ready for the next service.

First Impressions Team– Parking Greeter 

Parking Greeters welcome people with smiles and waves as they pull onto our parking lot. These greeters need to be willing to be outside in various weather conditions.

Life Group Leader

Life Group Leaders guide a small group of people who gather regularly to study the Bible, share meals, and build community. Every group is built to support, challenge, and grow together in our spiritual formation toward Jesus.

Worship & Arts – Tech Team 

The Tech Team controls audio and visual elements of each service, providing the best possible experience for our community on campus and online. Roles include running the production computer for slides, controlling the camera switcher for the stream, manning a camera throughout our service, and managing our online service.

Worship & Arts – Musician 

Instrumentalists and vocalist are a key piece of our worship services. They work together as a team to lead our community together in song, practicing and playing together on Sunday mornings. (includes audition process).