If the event you are wanting to request is a wedding, please click the Wedding button below. Wedding reservations have a different process.
Terms of Use
1. It is recommended that you preview the facility with the Administrative Assistant or Facilities Director prior to submission of this form to ensure that the room in question will fit your needs.
2. Allow two weeks for response to reservation requests.
3. A $25 non-refundable deposit is required for Non-Church sponsored events.
4. Events are not official until they are put on the church calendar, authorized, and a $25 non-refundable deposit is received.
5. The use of tobacco, alcoholic beverages, or dancing is not permitted in the facilities or on the grounds.
6. The conduct and behavior by all guests must be appropriate, i.e., Christ-like.
7. Individuals, groups, or organizations utilizing FCC's facilities shall be responsible, financially and otherwise, for any and all personal injuries, property damage, property loss, and destruction of the facilities, or any part thereof, arising out of the individual, group, or organization's activities and use of the facilities.
8. Sundays are reserved for ministry activities for FCC, therefore the facility will not be available to reserve for other activities.
9. We currently do not schedule Non-Church sponsored events during the week prior to and after Christmas, the week prior to and after Easter, the week of Thanksgiving and July 1 - 6.
10. FCC has the final decision regarding the request, acceptable decorations, moving furniture, use of tape, candles for weddings, etc.
11. Your group is responsible for setting up for your event and putting things back as you found them.
12. The balance of the total fees (less the deposit) is payable to the First Christian Church office prior to the day of the event.
13. All events and clean-up must conclude by 9:00 p.m. (6:00 p.m. on Saturday) at which time the premises are secured.
14. If applicable, the church reserves the right to require organizations to provide a Certificate of Insurance (with coverage of at least $1,000,000) listing FCC as the Additional Insured.
Non-Church Sponsored Building Use Policy
As stewards of the Lord's property, our responsibility is to oversee the facility use to forward God's purposes.
We welcome requests to use the facilities for additional events that enhance life-sharing and encourage spiritual connection, growth, and service by individuals, para-church organizations and other not-for-profit groups (501-c-3 status). If the church calendar can accommodate, consideration will be given to events that may assist in our mission and to individuals or groups that:
- Have a connection with First Christian Church (members, attendees, missions we support, etc.) AND/OR
- Have goals, objectives, or mission statements that promote service to meet needs in our community.
Individuals and groups must read and agree to the terms above. If in agreement, they may complete and submit a Building Reservation Request (above) for consideration of their request. FCC's Administrative Assistant will communicate with the group submitting the reservation form.
Use by Individuals: To help cover some of the costs associated with providing facilities, individuals using the facilities will be responsible for the Use Fee (Fee Schedule below).
Use by Groups: While para-church organizations and other not-for-profit groups (501-c-3 status) are not charged the Use Fee, donations for use of FCC facilities are welcome.
Fee Schedule | Member / Non-Member
Classrooms | $25 / $50
Heritage Chapel | $100 / $200
Student Center | $100 / $200
A/V Tech | $75 / $75
($25 Non-refundable Deposit included in Fee Schedule amounts)
office@firstchristiancb.org | 712-328-2606