VBS 2024


Its that time again for VBS 2024!! Looking to run across the beach with your flipflops and sunglasses, or sit on the edge of water as it pulls and pushes the sand? Then welcome to Breaker Rock Beach, where everyday is a new adventure learning about the stable truth of God amongst shifting sands!

From June 10 - 13, we will gather together at First Christian Church to learn about the differences between what the world says and what God says. We will meet everyday from 6 to 8:15pm, and kids between Preschool (must be potty trained) and (entering) 5th Grade are welcome to join us!


Registration cost is $5/attendee and covers the cost of their t-shirt!

And feel free to donate more during registration to cover the cost for someone else!

Want to Volunteer?

VBS can't happen without our volunteers! We have lots of opportunities to serve: set up, check-in, assisting with crafts and activities, clean up, and more! You can even help by being a floater and covering multiple areas depending on what needs the help.

We also know that sometimes it can be difficult to commit to all four days because life happens, especially during the summer! If you are willing to volunteer for even one evening, we welcome your help and feel free to register as normal -- there will be a spot to list your availability.

Alongside attendee registration, volunteers will be able to sign up now through the link below!

There is no registration fee for volunteers and t-shirts are free -- however, if you would like to donate to help others attend, there is an add-on option during registration!

June 10 - 13 | 6 pm - 8:15 pm Please plan on arriving a little bit early if you are volunteering, and helping with clean up after the day is done. Check In will start at 5:30pm, so the earlier you can be here, the better. We understand that volunteers might be coming from work.