Role of the Elders
We follow the New Testament as the primary model and guide for leadership in the church. As the Apostle Paul was establishing the early churches, it was his practice to appoint from among the members of that church a plurality of men who met certain qualifications to serve in the office of the eldership. Both the apostle Paul and the apostle Peter directly charged the elders of the church to pastor (shepherd) and oversee the local congregation. Acts 20:28; 1 Peter 5:1,2
The qualifications of overseers and elders are found in the New Testament in 1 Timothy 3:1-8 and Titus 1:5-9. These qualifications are very significant and are a high calling for all men to pursue. Serving as an elder requires that a man reflect the continual growth of these characteristics in his life, a heart for service and high commitment. No one man has all the gifts and personal ability required to be the perfect elder and shepherd.
First Christian is an independent church under Christ. Guided by a Board of Elders, we determine our own policies and practices in light of biblical expectations. First Christian is an elder-led church, with high trust and confidence given to the professional staff to execute and pursue the daily mission of the church. Along with leading, the elders also serve alongside the staff to encourage and support them in their ministries, to share the burdens of pastoral care, prayer, teaching, leading and serving alongside the church family.
The church also has a legal corporate structure that requires our board to function as a policy-making body and oversee the activities of the church. Elders must be elected and affirmed by ballot of a majority of the church membership in attendance at the annual meeting, held each December, to show our confidence in them to lead First Christian.
God has laid upon the shoulders of these few men important and sometimes difficult responsibilities. The work is important and it requires proven and qualified men to do it in a manner that brings the most glory, growth and stability to the kingdom of God. The men on this elder guide have committed to serve God and this local church family to the best of their ability and for God's glory.
Elders for 2024
Jamey Cline
Member since July 2013
Married to Lisa Cline
Serves on Bible School Teaching Team
Phil Covington
Member since 2016
Married to Vanessa Covington
Serves on the Mens Ministry Team
Paul Damrow
Member since 2015
Married to Julia Damrow
Serves on the Worship & Arts, Mens Ministry, and Security Teams
Rick Jones
Member since 2003
Married to Kim Jones
Serves on the Life Group Leader Team and Kids Ministry Team
Todd Pettepier
Member since 1986
Married to Deb Pettepier
Serves on the Kids Ministry Team
Larry Royce
Member since April 1985
Married to Donelle Royce
Serves on Kids Ministry Team and Worship Team